...bulletproof ideas...
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof. "
El video lo dice todo, a todos nos ha pasado, pero hay que recordar, es la idealización es una imagen que tenemos en la mente y no es en quien pensamos, la persona real es eso, real. El problema yace cuando no nos podemos deshacer dicha imagen, para lograrlo, hay que tener presente la persona.
Ya risuyu chyernoy kraskoy,
Na stenye tupaye slova,
Dlya myenya ono nevazhna,
Dlya tyebya ono ne snova,
Dlya menya ono naprasna,
Dlya tebya neabjadima,
Ya risuyu chernoy kraskoy,
Ya risuyu kriva, kriva.
Pulya v sertse mozk na dvertsu,
Nimbi, krilya adyebaem,
Beliy plaschik,
Dushu f nyeba,
Sloshi v yaschik,
Vrimya snova tryadsat trisit,
Mi s taboy seychas ne fmeste,
Ty sidish f uglu I plachesh
Mozhet bit minya durachish,
Ya liublyu tebya poslushat,
Pakrivay mnye tolka dushu,
Misli zeds ne prigodyatsya.
Vremya snova tryadsat dvatsat.
Pulya v sertse mozk na dvertsu,
Nimbi, krilya adyebaem,
Beliy plaschik,
Dushu f nyeba,
Sloshi v yaschik,
I'm drawing with black paint
A dumb word on the wall
This word is not
important for me
This word is not new for you
It's vain for me
It's necessary for you
I'm drawing with black paint
This drawing is very messy
Bullet in the heart
Brain on the door
Nimb and wings
We're putting on
This white robe
Soul to heaven
We put it in a box
We let it go
Time is 20:10 again
We're not together now
You're sitting in the
corner and crying
Maybe you're fooling me
I enjoy listening to you
Open only your soul to me
Thoughts won't be needed here
The time is 20:20 again
estado: vacacionando
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