Do as you please, because i will...
La fantasía de un cuento, un sueño o un deseo nunca se comparará a la pura, triste, dura y en ocasiones bellísima realidad, esta es la historia, no como sucedió en realidad, sino de como la recuerdo...

...Butterfly Effect...

By Unknown
Ya paso mas de un año desde que escribi por ultima vez, no fue un post bonito, pero tampoco lo fue la experiencia, piesno que ese dia tamara no era el problema en ese momento las deciciopnespudieron cambiar quien soy hoy, pero tambien a quien he conocido,... valdira la pena? no se pero hoy, ... Esto lo esplica mejor:
Even one small change, action, word, nod or smile, could set into motion a change of events that can alter the world as we currently know it. So lets look at an example of a trivial event that no one would even notice or think about. The concept of chaos:
"The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devasted the Indonesian coast doesn't happen...."

By the way it relates to Einstein's famous quote that "God does not play dice with the universe". In other words, Einstein's contention is that events do not happen randomly. There is a reason why events happen the way they do. We may not understand the reason why and may never understand why.
The main point I'm trying to make is that even the smallest most insignificant event has the potential to change your life and those around you. When you think about the events that have occurred thus far in your life how many really big life altering events have occurred? Chances are your life and your reality are shaped by miniscule changes from moment to moment, hour to hour and day to day. By being in the now you will be in a receptive state that allows you to recognize defining moments in your life and take appropriate action or not. If your preoccupied with thoughts other than those which empower you then your emotions may unintentionally manifest into a reality that you never intended.
It's important to remember that what you don't do or say can have just as big of an impact on manifesting your reality as what you do or say.
happy with where you currently are in life. Just know that your life can change if you choose to change. Be open to opinions, ideas and what others are saying. Don't go through life with blinders on. Remember, we all perceive reality a little differently.
The true or objective reality may be entirely different then what you perceive. By experiencing life from a different perspective it may lead you to a new discovery or way of thinking.Reach out to others to the extend that you can. It doesn't have to be big. A smile will do. A few thoughtful but sincere words at the right time are nice also. Sometimes just listening is all that's required. People often just want to be heard. They want to know that somebody gives a damn.
Don't judge and don't offer an opinion unless it's appropriate to do so.Remain as objective as possible and don't get involved in other people's problems. There are two basic types of problems in this world. Yours and mine. You can't effectively help anyone else until you have helped yourself first and you do that by controlling your thoughts.
First of all realize you are unique. No two people live exactly the same lives. You share common interests and activities with others but what you do each day and how you live your life is unique. the only time that really matters is... right now. The answer lies with the present! Focus on the here and now by being in the moment.
Asi que esperen lo inesperado por que voy a hacer una mueca.

estado: decidido

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