Do as you please, because i will...
La fantasía de un cuento, un sueño o un deseo nunca se comparará a la pura, triste, dura y en ocasiones bellísima realidad, esta es la historia, no como sucedió en realidad, sino de como la recuerdo...

...good point moby...

By Unknown
Posted by moby in his webiste ""

ah, the conservative right-wing in america...

"i love them.
i'm on a few email lists for conservative organizations, just so i can be entertained by their crazy.
so today i get an email from the american family association.
and what are they upset about?
are they upset about the 36,000 iraqi civilians who were killed in 2006?
are they upset about the degradation of the environment?
are they upset about egregious wage disparity and the effects that it's having on our civilization?
are they upset about the effect that having hundreds of thousands of troops on extended duty in iraq is having on families back in the u.s?
they're upset that fox broadcasting showed a woman wearing a t-shirt during a football game with, as they put it, 'the "f" word'.
(oh, p.s-the 'f' word is 'fuck', as routinely seen in the new yorker and other publications).
so breaking up tens of thousands of families in the u.s so that troops can be stationed in iraq for a war that never should've started, that doesn't trouble the conservative right?
a word describing the action that resulted in all of us being here offends them?
a word?
aka-slang describing coitus, without which none of us would be alive?
if you're pro-life don't you kind of have to be pro-fucking?
you can't really have life without fucking, right?
well, i guess you can have ivf and other high-tech forms of fertilization, but 99.9% of the time life results from good old fashioned penis-in-vagina fucking, right?
(and i'm sorry, but 'fuck' & 'fucking' are words. just words. nothing to get offended by). why are people offended by sex/coitus/fucking/etc, when it/they are the cornerstones of our very lives?
if our parents hadn't at some point gotten busy in the back of a car after drinking some
pabst blue ribbon none of us would be here.
our parents fucked: thus we were conceived(and, truthfully, we were probably not conceived during some well planned tender lovemaking, we were probably conceived in the back of a car or in a bathroom at a dive bar. that's just how the universe works....the universe can't wait around for us to conceive in perfectly choreographed ways, life is intrepid and will thus find it's way in, whether it's in the back of a car or on a shag rug in front of a fire in a ski house in vermont).
movies get pg ratings when they show people being shot and killed, but if you see a mans penis or a womans vagina the movie gets an nc-17 rating?
why are we offended by body parts that we all have and bodily functions that we all engage in(well, if we're lucky)?
years ago i asked a rhetorical question: 'what would god be more offended by, people being needlessly killed and maimed, or a bare breast on tv?'
breasts are miraculous body parts that enable us to feed our children, and somehow they're seen by the religious right as pornographic?
i do believe that future generations are going to build a time machine and come back and ask us a simple question: are you insane?
-moby "

estado: papa roached (just a little riddle)

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By Unknown
Despues the ver thin, un documental sobre anorexia, "Thin" de Lauren Greenfield, me di cuenta de ciertas cosas:
a-es psicologico
b-por serlo es tmbn un comportamniento y todo comportamiento puede ser modificado con solo hacerlo (al igual que el amar)
c-pocas personas se recuperan de ello y comun mente recaen en la depresion
d-no diferencian entre un cuerpo esbelto proporcionado y la famelia
e-los sentros de ayuda no sirven, lo uico que los ayuda es el poder ocupar la mente en otra cosa, como to comportamiento (ver punto a&b)

Todo eso me lleva a opinar lo siguiente:
a- el suicidio es una decicion unicamente personal
b-como alguien puede adelgazar para verse mejor y caer en el verso feo al adelgazar demasiado y aun asi no darse cuenta?
c- la unica solucuon para el problema de peso debido a la presion social es la misma precion social en direccion ocpuesta
d-una institucion para el tratamiento de bulima debe ser mixta o tener el factor masculino presente, sin el las mujeres solo llegan a deprimirse entre si
e-Me pregunto si el factor amoroso les ayudara o incluso hundiría mas?
f-Se trata de tomar una simple desicion asi como alguien se toma un tequila, o salta en paracaidas o incluso se atreve a decir "me gustas"

estado: Life is great :D

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